Saturday, January 11, 2014

Finishing Touches...

In a month and three days I'll be releasing my new book! I'm beyond excited! I got in touch with a person that is helping me write my press release and he gave me some really awesome tips! I think I did a pretty good second draft!  Before you know it I'll be fulfilling my dream of being a Christian Public Speaker!

I've got to say that writing the book was really easy because I love to write, but the editing process has been a killer! I've been doing the finishing touches for the past three months! I'm so grateful for my editors, Lindsay Reynolds and Rev. Jim Polk! It's been incredible working with people on this, I hope to be working with an official publisher soon. If my book sells well, I might get people to contact me! 

Today has been an adventure! I got up at 8 this morning to sew with my mom! We finished my project at 6pm and she's still working on her stuff now! I think she's almost done!

I've been watching my mom sew today and with every slip of the thread she was sit there and say, "Oh darn it!" It made me laugh, but at the same time I was amazed with how precise she was. I never thought that when we started this project (which I'm keeping a huge surprise) it would take maybe two or three hours, but 10 hours?! Just incredible!

It got me thinking about God's plan for us. When I was starting off my Christian walk, I kept thinking that I could be an incredible person by the next day.... Just in case you haven't figured it out, it doesn't work like that! It's taken me forever to get where I am today and I know for sure that God isn't finished with me yet! I kind of imagine God like my mom while she was sewing. Every time we get off track, God is thinking, "oh darn it!" But we know that God is always there to put us back on track when we're ready. Our stitch isn't going to be perfect, but it's our stitch, our journey. 

I hope that people realize that when they read my book. Everything that I do, say, etc. it's all part of my journey, meaning it's still going! I might figure things out along the way, but I will never figure everything out! God Bless America for that! 

I'm off to my incredibly comfy bed for a good night's sleep before church tomorrow! Goodnight!

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